Why you “should not” attend the VMware Explore.

Why you “should not” attend the VMware Explore.

VMware Explore Las Vegas is just around the corner. If you are still not registered – don’t wait! That’s the event you shouldn’t miss!
It’s an excellent option to learn from the greatest brains in the industry about the technology which is already there as well as a perfect and unique opportunity sneak peak into what’s coming. It’s also a perfect opportunity for networking with peers!
That’s definitely an even that’s worth to attend, doesn’t matter what’s your role is.

Nevertheless, I’ve heard recently from a colleague of mine who is a developer that for him it’s a waste of time as there is nothing interesting from his perspective as it’s purely infrastructure/datacenter related event and content.

And I cannot disagree more with that! That’s why I decided to share some of my thoughts after atending VMware Explore 2022 last year and especially taking into account that this year SpringONE will be part of VMware Explore.

Let me summarize a few point why you should attend:

  1. Hundreds of sessions on different levels for begginers as well as experts, including business focused sessions.
  2. SprinOne which is the biggest gathering of Spring enthusiasts, beginners and practitioners who build the apps that make the world run – that’s a place to be!
  3. Supportive events, and parties organized by VMware and partners including concerts.
  4. VMware {code} Hackathon – which is another must have
  5. Networking – thousands geeks in one place to share the knowledge and experience with.
  6. Swag – as on every conference an opportunity to increase your sticker or fancy t-shirt collection 🙂

If you can afford missing these fantastic opportunities – just don’t go there. Otherwise – you know what to do 🙂

And the most important – if you attend it – make sure you pass by the community corner and say hi to Tanzu Vanguard members that will be there as a group of huge Tanzu enthustiats wiling to share the real-life experience.
Maybe that will inspire you to become one of them? Or maybe you already know this is the right place for you? If so – just ping me and I can tell you much more about the program and it’s advantages including the application proces.

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