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Category: Powercli & VMA

PowerCLI – useful tools

PowerCLI – useful tools

VMware PowerCLI is a powerful tool for daily task for every Admin. The pure console is most commonly used. However, there are a few alternatives to the simple console which could make the use of PowerCLI even more handy. I’ll describe them shortly in the next a few lines. Powershell ISE script editor, which provides a better user experience. It’s divided into two panes. The upper pane  is for viewing/editing script files, and the lower pane is for running individual commands…

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VMware PowerCLI – Introduction

VMware PowerCLI – Introduction

To begin the jurney with PowerCLI we need to start from the installation of PowerCLI itself. The installation can be done on a Windows based system, that could be some kind of an administration server. The installation files can be found on this VMware site. There are a few versions available, they are released asynchronously with vSphere and the version numbers do not exactly correspond to vSphere versions. The most recent version is 6.5 whilst there are other like 6.3,…

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PowerCLI course

PowerCLI course

I was always keen on getting deeper knowledge about PowerCLI or in other words – start to use it in daily administrative tasks. I decided to do something with it and I think it would be the best way to write my own guide in a form of structured notes and share it here with you. Perhaps someone would find it useful. Therefore in PowerCLI & VMA tab you could find an agenda of this course which will be systematically…

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