Adding AKO repository to the Helm CLI fails

Adding AKO repository to the Helm CLI fails

Since some time you might experience a problem while adding AVI Kubernetes Operator (AKO) in your TKG/K8s cluster.

While running following command:

helm repo add ako

you might get an error: saying ” cannot be reached. Error 404 page not found”.

This is a VMware’s general issue with the repo itself and as I’ve heard there is some work in progress. However probably becasue of that OCI compliant charts have been uploaded to be used as a workaround or a replacement for the future. That also changed the installation procedure.

Therefore you have two options – either do it manually or use the new procedure described in AVI documentation or simply use the command listed below:

helm install --generate-name oci:// --version 1.10.3 -f ako-values.yaml --set ControllerSettings.controllerHost=ALB_FQDN --set avicredentials.username=admin --set avicredentials.password=XYZ --set AKOSettings.primaryInstance=true --namespace=avi-system

P.S. Above works also with previos versions, eventhough documentation wasn’t updated yet – I’ve tested it using AKO 1.8.2.

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