Tanzu Vanguard

Tanzu Vanguard

W celu poszerzenia zasięgu społeczności i użytkowników Tanzu powstał program Tanzu Vanguard. Jest to społeczność skupiająca użytkowników i pasjonatów produktów VMware Tanzu zarówno od strony klientów jak i partnerów VMware. Ideą społeczności jest dzielenie się wiedzą i doświadczeniami zarówno tymi dobrymi jak również tymi mniej dobrymi z zakresu funkcjonowania i architektury produktów z całego portfolio Tanzu ( TKG, TKGI, TAP, TAS, TAC, TMC itp. itd.) Zalety wynikające z przynależności do społeczności: Szczegółowe informacje o programie znajdują się pod adresem: https://tanzu.vmware.com/vanguard…

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vRSLCM deployment is not available

vRSLCM deployment is not available

During one of the recent VCF 3.9.1 deployments I’ve found interesting challenge while trying to deploy vRealize Suite components. Initially integrated with MyVMware and downloaded a vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager version 2.1 (the only one avaialble to download). Without paying much attention to the Build Number, which was part of the problem. Even though my vRSLCM was downloaded and properly listed in download history in vRealize Suite tab I was still getting an information that my vRSLCM is not available…

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Cloud builder 4.2 – 502 bad gateway

Cloud builder 4.2 – 502 bad gateway

Cloud Builder in VCF 4.2 has enhanced password requirements. Thus if you deploy the appliance with a password which doesn’t match those requirements it’s going to be deployed with an error, making it unusable. While trying to access the GUI you will get “502 Bad Gateway” which is not so meaningful. Trying to access SSH will fail as well. However, accessing the direct console gives a clear information about the problem. Based on that there is nothing left than redeploying…

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As part of my VCDX preparation I’ve read lots of books, blogs and other documents to expand the knowledge and fill the gaps. That was partially one of the most valuable parts of the journey where I learned a lot. Without that I wouldn’t probably even read half of those great books. I can’t say this is something that every candidate must read, but I decided to share this list as a VCDX BoM as I found it valuable for…

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A wrap-up of my own VCDX Jurney #291

A wrap-up of my own VCDX Jurney #291

This is a post I was about to write already 2 months ago as a summary of 2020 as it’s imporant to wrap-up a long time I spent preparing for VCDX and also say Thank You. However, due to other tasks, engagements, etc. I just managed to complete it right now! So first things first – finally, after a very long and extremely informative journey at 15 Dec 2020, I finally received probably the best e-mail ever. Hi Pawel, Congratulations! You passed!…

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General vSAN Error

General vSAN Error

vSAN is a wonderful shared storage option in a vSphere cluster, but it requires an administrator with deep product knowledge and overall awareness to be able to manage it with an understanding of its quirks and gotchas. I’ve worked with several vSAN clusters composed of many nodes for a few years now but sometimes it still surprises me. I’ve recently spent a couple of hours troubleshooting a “General vSAN Error” to figure out why I couldn’t put a host in…

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vRA 7.x Snapshotting using PowerCLI Script

vRA 7.x Snapshotting using PowerCLI Script

Recently, I was looking for a scripted method for cold snapshotting of vRA in enterprise deployment. First, I wanted to confirm the shutdown order. VMware’s product documentation is quite limited regarding this topic, but it describes the right shutdown order. Looking further I found a better explanation here, where the documentation talks about vRA backup order. Of course, I wanted to check the proper starting procedure as well. I found it quickly here. Well equipped with all information needed, I…

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Getting Support Log Bundle using REST API

Getting Support Log Bundle using REST API

Starting from vSphere 7U1 we have got a new tool to generate and download a support log bundle from vCenter Server. It is REST API call used to achieve these tasks. It broadens an already wide range of methods of gathering vm-support log bundle. It has several interesting features. First, it works even if the vCSA service is offline, whereas a vCSA management interface should be up and running. Second, once started it generates a support bundle and stores it…

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vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment issue in VCF 3.9.1

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment issue in VCF 3.9.1

During last deployment of VCF 3.9.1 I’ve found small but intriguing challenge while trying to deploy vRealize Suite components. Initially integrated with MyVMware and downloaded a vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager version 2.1 Build number:  16154511 Without paying much attention to the Build Number, which was part of the problem. Even though my vRSLCM was downloaded (listed in download history) as below: in vRealize Suite tab I was still getting an information that my vRSLCM is not available “vRealize Suite Lifecycle…

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