vRA 7.x Snapshotting using PowerCLI Script

vRA 7.x Snapshotting using PowerCLI Script

Recently, I was looking for a scripted method for cold snapshotting of vRA in enterprise deployment. First, I wanted to confirm the shutdown order. VMware’s product documentation is quite limited regarding this topic, but it describes the right shutdown order. Looking further I found a better explanation here, where the documentation talks about vRA backup order. Of course, I wanted to check the proper starting procedure as well. I found it quickly here.

Well equipped with all information needed, I decided to write a script. Usually I use PowerCLI for tasks related to VMware software. I was sure that someone had the same idea before me so in order not to reinvent the wheel I started to check what Google will find.
I found a few elegant approaches, but one was the most interesting and inspiring.
Distributed vRealize Automation 7.x Orchestrated Shutdown, Snapshot and Startup using PowerCLI
Razz made it the way that I found I could use in my environment. I adjusted the script to my needs and it worked quite well. Of course, there is a lot to polish, but it works for me.

I decided to share Razz’s script adjusted by me. Maybe it will help someone with their administration tasks related to vRA.

$vCSA = ""
$snapName = ""
$snapDescription = ""
$log = ""

# vRA components
$proxy = @() 
$worker = @() 
$activeMgr = ""
$passiveMgr = @()
$primaryWeb = ""
$secondaryWeb = @()
$masterVRA = ""
$replicaVRA = @()
$dbServers = @()
$vRB = ""
$vRO = @()
$allVMs = @()

# Log file
$log = "coldvRASnapshots.log"

function shutdownVMandWait($vms,$log) {
    foreach ($vmName in $vms) {
        try {
            $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop
            foreach ($o in $vm) {
                    if (($o.PowerState) -eq "PoweredOn") {
                        $v = Shutdown-VMGuest -VM $o -Confirm:$false
                        Write-Host "Shutdown VM: '$($v.VM)' was issued"
                        Add-Content -Path $log -Value "$($v)"
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' is not powered on!"
        } catch {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' not found!"
    foreach ($vmName in $vms) {
        try {
            $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop
            while($vm.PowerState -eq 'PoweredOn') { 
                sleep 5
                Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' is still on..."
                $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName
            Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' is off!"
        } catch {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' not found!"

function snapshotVM($vms,$snapName,$snapDescription,$log) {
    foreach ($vmName in $vms) {
        try {
            $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop
        } catch {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' not found!"
            Add-Content -Path $log -Value "VM '$($vmName)' not found!"
        try {
            foreach ($o in $vm) {
                    New-Snapshot -VM $o -Name $snapName -Description $snapDescription -ErrorAction Stop   
        } catch {
            Write-Host "Could not snapshot '$($vmName)' !"
            Add-Content -Path $log -Value "Could not snapshot '$($vmName)' !"

function startupVM($vms,$log) {
    foreach ($vmName in $vms) {
        try {
            $vm = Get-VM -Name $vmName -ErrorAction Stop
            foreach ($o in $vm) {
                if (($o.PowerState) -eq "PoweredOff") {
                        Start-VM -VM $o -Confirm:$false -RunAsync
                    } else {
                        Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' is not powered off!"
        } catch {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vmName)' not found!"

# vCenter Server FQDN
$vCSA = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter vCenter's FQDN"

# Connect vCenter Server
$creds = Get-Credential

Connect-VIServer $vCSA -Credential $creds -ErrorAction Stop

# Get VM names
$proxy = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of Proxy Agent VMs").Split(",")).Trim()) 
$worker = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of DEM worker VMs").Split(",")).Trim()) 
$activeMgr = Read-host -Prompt "First, check which VM is a Primary Manager and then enter its name"
$passiveMgr = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of Secondary Manager VMs").Split(",")).Trim())
$primaryWeb = Read-host -Prompt "First, check which VM is a Primary Web Server and then enter its name"
$secondaryWeb = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of Secondary Web VMs").Split(",")).Trim())
$masterVRA = Read-host -Prompt "Enter a name of Master vRA Node VM"
$replicaVRA = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of Replica vRA Node VMs").Split(",")).Trim())
$dbServers = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Shutdown MSSQL AlwaysOn Cluster first, than enter comma separated names of DB Cluster Node VMs").Split(",")).Trim())

<# ### Uncomment all commented block of code if you have vRB or the external vRO instances in your environment
$vRB = Read-host -Prompt "Enter a name of vRB VM"
$vRO = @(((Read-host -Prompt "Enter comma separated names of external vRO VMs").Split(",")).Trim())

$allVMs = @($proxy, $worker, $passiveMgr, $activeMgr, $secondaryWeb, $primaryWeb, $replicaVRA, $masterVRA, $dbServers)

# Snapshot definition
$snapName = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Snapshot Name"
$snapDescription = Read-Host -Prompt "Enter Snapshot Description"

# Shutting down vRA VMs
foreach ($vmName in $allVMs) {
    foreach ($vm in $vmName) {
        if ($vm) {
            Write-Host "### Shutting down " + $vm
            shutdownVMandWait -vms $vm -log $log
        } else {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vm)' doesn't exist!"

# Snapshotting vRA VMs
foreach ($vmName in $allVMs) {
    foreach ($vm in $vmName) {
        if ($vm) {
            Write-Host "### Taking snapshot of " + $vm
            snapshotVM -vms $vm -snapName $snapName -snapDescription $snapDescription -log $log
        } else {
            Write-Host "VM '$($vm)' doesn't exist!"

# Starting vRA VMs
Write-Host "### Starting vROs"
startupVM -vms $vRO -log $log

Write-Host "### Starting vRB"
startupVM -vms $vRB -log $log

Write-Host "### Starting DB Servers"
startupVM -vms $dbServers -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 5 minutes until db is up"
Start-Sleep -s 300

Write-Host "### Starting primary VRA"
startupVM -vms $masterVRA -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 5 minutes until Licensing service is registered"
Start-Sleep -s 300

Write-Host "### Starting secondary VRA"
startupVM -vms $replicaVRA -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 15 minutes until ALL services are registered"
Start-Sleep -s 900

Write-Host "### Starting Web"
startupVM -vms $primaryWeb -log $log
startupVM -vms $secondaryWeb -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 5 minutes until services are up"
Start-Sleep -s 300

Write-Host "### Starting Primary manager"
startupVM -vms $activeMgr -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 3 minutes until manager is up"
Start-Sleep -s 180

Write-Host "### Starting Secondary manager"
startupVM -vms $passiveMgr -log $log
Write-Host  " Sleeping 3 minutes until manager is up"
Start-Sleep -s 180

Write-Host "### Starting DEM workers"
startupVM -vms $worker -log $log

Write-Host "### Starting Proxy Agents"
startupVM -vms $proxy -log $log

Write-Host "### All components have been started"

# Disconnect vCenter 
Disconnect-VIServer -Server $vCSA -Confirm:$false 
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