vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment issue in VCF 3.9.1

vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment issue in VCF 3.9.1

During last deployment of VCF 3.9.1 I’ve found small but intriguing challenge while trying to deploy vRealize Suite components.

Initially integrated with MyVMware and downloaded a vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager version 2.1 Build number:  16154511

Without paying much attention to the Build Number, which was part of the problem. Even though my vRSLCM was downloaded (listed in download history) as below:

VCF Bundle History

in vRealize Suite tab I was still getting an information that my vRSLCM is not available “vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager deployment is not available because install bundle for version 2.1.0-14062628 is not downloaded” presented on following screanshoot:

vRLSCM not downloaded

First suspicion went to the build inconsistency, but after doublechecking the Repository there was no vRSLCM with BN 14062628 available at all. BN: 16154511 is a newer build then I thought maybe it was overridden and decided to remove the one I have and check whether it will appear.

In order to remove a bundle from existing repo you need to use cleanup_bundle.py script available on SDDC-Manager – procedure will be described later on in this blog post.

However, it didn’t help – still the only bundle available was pointing to BN 16154511. Then accidentally I bumped into a KB: https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/76869 which doesn’t seem to be related however it describes the procedure how to edit application-prod.properties file which contains the expected vRSLCM expected version to another one.

Using the procedure I changed the version to include BN 16154511, restarted LCM service and apparently it fixed the problem!


Hope it will help not only me 🙂

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