vCloud Director Network considerations

vCloud Director Network considerations

One of the most tricky parts of vCD – networks. It took my some time to to digest how those network relations between different types of network in vCD works. Just to remind we distinguish:

  • External Networks
  • VDC Organization Networks
  • vApp Networks

Moreover for both VDC Orgzanization and vApp networks we distinguish folowing types:

  • Directly connected to upper layer network
  • Routed network
  • Isolated Network

To complicate even further vApp directly connected network can be fenced 🙂

All networks apart from directly connected will create an ESG (yes, even isolated network requires an ESG!). Just don’t be fooled during some test that they are not visible in vSphere  as soon as you create new vApp/Org VDC Network. ESG as well as port group on DVS will be established not at the time of vCD network creation but when you connect and power a VM to this network for the first time.

To understand how we can mix and match these networks I’ve created a diagram as a reference mostly for myself but maybe it will be helpful for you as well as I didn’t find any diagram covering all options. So here we have a vCD network diagram starting from an external network combining all (apart from fenced one) options.

1vCD networks


Plus another diagram including ESG as an Org perimiter interconnected with DLR.

2vcd Networks



Hope it will be informative, if you have any comments or questions, don’t hesitate to write a comment!


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