VMware Tanzu certifications

VMware Tanzu certifications

As this question appears from time to time in Tanzu community I’ve decided to summarize the available VMware’s certification focused on Tanzu, containers and kubernetes in general. Below you will find currently available certifications, exams as well as links to exam guides and additional resources that could be helpful to prepare for each of them.

Containers, kubernetes and Tanzu topic is still pretty fresh in terms of VMware certification. Therefore there is no complete certification path that would include entry, professional, advanced and expert level certification as we got used to with others VMware’s tracks such as datacenter or network virtualization. We’ve got both certificates and badges related to different exams available as listed on the diagram below.

Certification paths are based on two sub-tracks as follows:

1. Application modernization certification

2. Spring certification


Study Resources

Official VMware Tanzu courses (attending at least one of them is required for VCP-AM 2023 certification).

Spring courses (attendence is a prerequisite for Spring Certified Professional exam):

Other VMware official Tanzu courses:

Exam guides:


  • Kube Academy – Container, Kubernetes and Tanzu courses available for free – from begginer to advanced level
  • Spring Academy – Spring courses – released recently but the library will grow for sure!
  • Tanzu Tech Zone – tremendeus amount of knowledge in one place – read more here.
  • Hands-on Labs – search for tanzu related content.
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