Mystery VCP7-CMA Beta Exam…

Mystery VCP7-CMA Beta Exam…

Today VMware announced the GA version of two VCAP Deployment exams (it’s high time after 1,5 year of VCP6 on the market..)

The first one – VCAP 6 – Datacenter Virtualization Deployment and VCAP 6 – Network Virtualization Deployment.

That’s mean that all VCAP 6 exams are now available in GA version for everyone. However there is an inconvenience for some countries if you live for example in Poland. Unfortunately there is no Pearson Vue test Center in Poland where you can take the exam..Anyway I believe that VMware/Pearson Vue will change it soon.


But what about the VCP7-CMA ?

It’s a really funny story, because it  you try to find anything about it searching the Internet you will not! There was no announcement on VMware site, any information at VMware Education blog, etc.

So, what exacly am I talking about? Due to my frequent verification of Pearson Vue site to check if the deployment exams are already available I discovered VCP7 exam recently.

As I said, it’s quite strange that there is no information about it but as you can see below it does not seem to be a bug.


The conclusion is simple, it’s high time to start the study of vRA 7.x 🙂


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