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As part of my VCDX preparation I’ve read lots of books, blogs and other documents to expand the knowledge and fill the gaps. That was partially one of the most valuable parts of the journey where I learned a lot. Without that I wouldn’t probably even read half of those great books. I can’t say this is something that every candidate must read, but I decided to share this list as a VCDX BoM as I found it valuable for…

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A wrap-up of my own VCDX Jurney #291

A wrap-up of my own VCDX Jurney #291

This is a post I was about to write already 2 months ago as a summary of 2020 as it’s imporant to wrap-up a long time I spent preparing for VCDX and also say Thank You. However, due to other tasks, engagements, etc. I just managed to complete it right now! So first things first – finally, after a very long and extremely informative journey at 15 Dec 2020, I finally received probably the best e-mail ever. Hi Pawel, Congratulations! You passed!…

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VCIX6-CMA – another goal achieved

VCIX6-CMA – another goal achieved

It is almost a tradition or habbit for me to share my experience about VMware exmination taken so far. Well, it happened, I eventually passed the VCAP6-CMA Design exam which together with previos passed VCAP6-CMA Deploy exam gave me VCIX6-CMA tiltle and badge. It looks like this:Nothing special, it was not an easy way to get it, though! The biggest problem with that IMHO is that it is and old version which is based on vRA 6.X, whilst we currently…

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